Sweating Bullets
Dale Dixon
Mack is a man terrified of giving presentations. An unexpected mentor comes into his life and helps him realize a hidden gift that was there the entire time: the ability to communicate in a high-stakes situation. Despite past failures, Mack learns his life really has equipped him to give a great presentation.
Mack’s story will help you realize the hidden gift inside of you. Your life is a presentation, and you have what it takes to wow the crowd.

Dale Dixon delivers fifty to sixty speeches each year in front of crowds ranging from ten to ten thousand. He’s nervous before he takes the stage, each and every time. However, if you ask him about those nerves, he likes to say he has found a way to keep his butterflies in formation. All of this practice gives Dale unique insight on ways to channel anxiety into productive energy to excel at presenting. In addition to all of his presentations, Dale coaches executives to overcome the fear of speaking in front of groups.