Built to Lead
David Long
Did you know that of every 100 employees hired, only 6 or 7 will ever be promoted to their first management position. If you’re a manager now, and you probably are if you’re reading this, “Congratulations!” You’re one of the 7% who made it! That’s the good news. Now, here’s the bad news. Statistically speaking you won’t be promoted again. The vast majority of these first time managers will eventually fail, and only 1 in 7 will stay in management with their present company for 5 years. Built to Lead is a “get-in-the-trenches with you, no-holds-barred” discussion about maximizing your ability to have an amazing management career. It tackles, head-on, the lies you’ve been told about how to reach the top in your company, and shows you what REALLY WORKS! David has reached the Top 10% in three separate industries, and the principles he teaches are universal, regardless of your industry. You’ll read the stories of ordinary people (just like you), from managers, employees, and friends, who are very successful today as a result of listening to the advice contained in this book. Motivational CEO David Long shares with you his powerful “7 Management R.E.W.A.R.D.S Principles” for career success.

Do you know the elements of being a great manager? In my book Built to Lead, I give 12 principles of great managing that are behind every successful business endeavor. It does not matter what your company does; these principles apply to every type of business. Here are five of these must-do elements of great managing:
1.) I know what is expected of me at work. If your managers and employees cannot confidently say this, you have a serious management issue. People must know what they are required to do and they must know that these rules will be enforced. If they do not know this, chaos ensues.
2.) I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right. If your employees and managers do not have the right tools to do their jobs, no one will get their work done. You have to invest in quality equipment and tools if you expect a good job from your employees.
3.) At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. This is a more difficult metric for most business owners and managers to assess. What do your employees do best? If you are not learning this, you can never assign them to the right jobs. Here is a hint: people usually enjoy doing the things they do very well.
4.) In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. This is crucial to your business development. If your employees are not being recognized and praised for their good work, they will not continue to work hard for you. This is just human nature. By the same token, you need to recognize and praise yourself for the good things you do!
5.) My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. Does every employee have at least one person in your organization whom he or she can point to and say, “That person cares?” If not, do not expect that employee to stay long.
You can read about the rest of the elements of great managing in my new book Built to Lead, as well as many other important rules and principles that will apply to your company, no matter what it is that you do!

Founder/CEO of MyEmployees, a 25 year-old firm in the Top 1% Worldwide in the Employee Engagement and Recognition industry. His firm specializes in helping managers build stronger, more engaging relationships with their team members, while linking the rewards and recognition program to the desired goals of the company.
Available for speaking engagements. Dave’s Guarantee: “I get the job done for you… or there’s no charge! When I speak I focus on changing my audience, and not just “charging them up”, which dissipates in a matter of days. My goal is to get into their DNA and change their lives forever! If you want someone for a “rah-rah” session… get another speaker. I’m focused on making a long-term impact. I’ve never been accused of being boring, and I use many life stories (of my own and others) to illustrate each point.”
Married to Janet, and they have 3 grown children, and 5 grandchildren. David and Janet travel extensively across America and around the world. They also both ride Harley-Davidson “Road King Classic” Motorcycles, and rode them across the country, ocean to ocean, in 2005.