Connected to Goodness
David Meltzer
There are seven interconnected principles that are applicable to our lives in general and just as relevant to more specific pursuits such as business. Each principle is supported by four key elements. The goal is to create an energy that scales itself by generating its own like-kind energy. Ultimately, we want to not only put things out into the universe in a certain way that will come back to us twofold, but also where what we empower creates a similar energy. We can manifest things individually, but if we scale or empower others and create collective energy, we can manifest things on a global scale. The most successful businesses thrive by putting energy out there in a specific way, creating additional salespeople because of the power of what they ve provided. Companies like Apple exceed expectations and have been able to thrive utilizing the scalability of this concept. Connected to Goodness provides the knowledge for life and business to enable you to thrive.

In his early 20s, David Meltzer was at the top of his game in the business world and lecturing around the globe. But something was missing, and the multimillionaire went on a rapid downward spiral that ended in bankruptcy. It was only then that David realized, in order to revive and thrive, he needed to blend spirituality with business. He started to meld his newfound life and business outlook as CEO to sports super agent Leigh Steinberg (played by Tom Cruise in the movie Jerry Maguire), and the result of his transformation is the remarkably successful venture – Sports 1 Marketing – that he began with Hall of Fame Quarterback Warren Moon.