Knockout Presentations
Diane DiResta
Life is a presentation. The ability to present one’s ideas quickly and efficiently is a significant resource in today’s business world. Knockout Presentations is the indispensable guide to delivering your message with clarity and confidence. With hundreds of tips to improve your communication style in your personal and professional life, this book contains the valuable information that readers can use every day on the road to success. Great for interviews, presentations, first encounters with influential people, and every day poise, the essential communication guide teaches how to maximize your presence and effectively deliver your own message — whatever that may be. Diane’s easy style and down-to-earth advice assures even the most reluctant public speaker. The useful exercises, case studies and do’s and don’ts make learning easy and fun. In the end, Knockout Presentations will give you the confidence and power to impress even the most critical audiences.

Diane DiResta is the founder and CEO of DiResta Communications, Inc, a New York City-based communications skills consultancy serving business leaders who want to communicate with greater impact – whether one-to-one, in front of a crowd, or from an electronic platform. DiResta is the author of the ebook Give Fear the Finger: How to Knock Out Fear of Public Speaking and Knockout Presentations, an category best seller and widely used text in college business communication courses.