Give Fear the Finger
Diane DiResta
To avoid public speaking is career suicide. Speaking is a leadership skill. Too many leaders perform poorly on the platform or avoid speaking all together because of fear.
Never be nervous again. Learn the secrets to being confident and fearless whether you’re speaking to one or one thousand. This interactive ebook will show you how to stand up to fear and command the platform. Gifted speakers are born but effective speakers are made. You’ll learn how to change your thinking, master new public speaking tips, say good-bye to performance anxiety, and give fear the finger.

Diane DiResta is an in demand speaking strategist and communication expert. Founder and CEO of DiResta Communications, Inc, is a professional speaker and consultant.
An International speaker, Diane inspires audiences with practical tips they can use immediately. She’s been described as having “New York shark expertise with a down home style”. With a track record spanning 20 years, across diverse industries, Diane has been the catalyst for leaders to increase performance and advance their careers. She has delivered keynotes and seminars on four continents in the areas of public speaking, business presentations, communication, and media training. Her client list includes: Credit Suisse, Dun & Bradstreet, L’Oreal, Met Life, Michael Kors, NBA, Northern Trust, Time Warner Cable, among others.
Diane has been featured on CNN and quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily, the London Guardian, Bermuda Sun, and others.
Diane’s latest ebook, Give Fear the Finger: How to Knock Out Fear of Public Speaking, provides techniques, exercises and video links to build confidence for any speaking situation.
She is also the author of Knockout Presentations (Chandler House Press), an amazon category best seller.
Diane is Past President of the NY Tri-State Chapter of National Speakers Association and on the Advisory Board of Enterprising Women magazine.