Confidence: Now is Your TIme - 31 Days to a More Extraordinary You
Elizabeth Hagen
How many times have you dreamed of making something great happen in your life? In your work? In your relationships?
Speaker, author, business coach, organizing expert, mom, and wife, Elizabeth Hagen shared 31 stories that offer dramatic lessons she’s learned to help you start loving who you are and what you do right now. You’ll discover the peace and beauty of taking responsibility for where you are and who you want to become. You’ll learn, as she did, how to give your self permission to be the person you were born to be.

It all started on Friday, April 17.
I had driven from Sioux Falls to Orange City, IA to visit mom and take her out for coffee and a drive around town. I almost didn’t come. I had so much to do of things I felt at that time were important. Of course, they were not as important as mom. We had a great morning together and before I left I got her settled in for her nap.
That afternoon at 4 pm my brother, Jack, called me. Mom had fallen down 9 stairs. She fell on her face and broke her nose, fractures in her face, possible neck fracture, and a broken wrist. My heart broke for mom. They decided to take her via ambulance to Sanford hospital in Sioux Falls and Bruce and I met her in the emergency room. I could not believe it when I saw her. She was able to communicate by squeezing my hand and I never wanted to let go.
The courage my mom showed was amazing.
God bless them, angel!
She was taken to a room in ICU and they helped make her as comfortable as possible.
When I came back the next morning she was able to communicate a bit better but it was really hard to understand her because of her swollen lips. We kept squeezing our hands.
I didn’t want to leave her but I had a speaking engagement that noon at a church in Sioux Falls. As I bent over her to tell her I’d be gone for a bit but would be back as soon as I could she looked up at me and said “Go bless them, angel!”
My mother’s attitude was amazing
So, I did go bless these ladies but they blessed me far more than I did for them. I left the church knowing that 100 women would now be praying for mom.
Loved by all
The days in ICU were a blur of great doctors and nurses keeping mom as comfortable as possible. And every person that helped her got a ‘thank you’ from mom. She was loved by all.
Amazing attitude.
She then spent 10 days on the Neuro/Ortho floor where she had various types of therapy and no matter what new thing they asked her to do – she did it.
Amazing courage.
Any time she was awake and conversing she was expressing gratitude and appreciation. She was loved.
Amazing attitude.
We are in this together
On April 30 I moved her to Prince of Peace Rehab Center. Here was a 91-year old woman moving to a place where she knew no one and did not know what the future held for her. She had some moments of concern but I told her “We are in this together”. She would smile and squeeze my hand.
Amazing courage.
5 days a week she has physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. When the therapists come into the room to get her she says “Ok, I’m ready.” When asked if she is in pain or tired she says “No, I have to do what I have to do.”
Amazing attitude.
The hill
One early morning last week I was on a run to train for my 1st 5K. I do ok until I get to any type of hill and I tell myself “This will be too hard to run. It’s ok to walk for the hill part.”
As I was running I was thinking about mom and the extreme courage she has demonstrated and doing things that she, too may not think she can – but she does them anyway. I faced my first hill and as I was getting ready to slow down and take the easy way out I wondered ‘what if I would take on my mom’s courage and attitude?’ So I ran up that hill. It may not look like much of a hill but it felt like a mountain as I was running to the top.
I did it because my mom is doing things that take far more courage than what I face on a daily basis. A hill is nothing.
Courage and attitude
I never realized how much courage it takes to grow old. But, I realize it now.
I am in awe of my mom.
Courage and attitude.
I want to be just like my mom when I grow up and I never want to let go of her hand until Jesus replaces my hand with His.
What about you?
It takes extreme courage and a positive attitude to be a business owner and to live life!
Are you facing a difficult situation? Are you feeling like the hill is too big? It’s not. If my mom can do it so can you!

Nationally recognized business coach, professional speaker, organization expert and author Elizabeth Hagen started her business in 2000, after nineteen years as a stay-at-home mother to five incredible children. Her mission is to encourage, nurture, and support an environment of excellence for those whose lives she touches. She’s encourage thousands to have more courage, more focus, more momentum, and be more productive at work and home. Elizabeth has been married since 1979 and lives in SIoux Fall, SD.