Body Language Secrets : To Win More Negotiations
Greg Williams
With this latest book, Greg takes readers on a journey of enlightenment and unravels the vortex of uncertainty that some find themselves in when trying to decipher body language to add extra dimensions to their negotiation abilities.

With the richness of his 30 years of negotiation and reading body language experience, Greg Williams is an accomplished author/speaker/trainer recognized worldwide for his knowledge and insight on those subjects. He’s often requested to appear on TV to critique the meaning and degree of truthfulness concealed in the negotiation strategies and hidden body language gestures of politicians, entertainers, and others in the news.
Being a business owner since 1993, Greg’s astute when it comes to the maneuverings of operating and maintaining a successful business operation. He has advised, consulted with, and lent his expertise on reading body language and negotiation strategies to improve the inner workings of numerous small and large corporate organizations.