F*cking Argentina and 10 More Tales of Exasperation
Gregg Greenberg
F*cking Argentina and 10 More Tales of Exasperation is an intelligent and witty series of short stories that feel like the manifesto a phrase like “misery loves company” would write if it were a person. Gregg Greenberg latches on to both the ordinary and the extraordinary as he crisscrosses through the varied discord in all manner of class and culture to highlight the one truth everyone should be able to agree on: we’re bloody well pissed off…but at least we can have some fun with it.

Gregg Greenberg spent 13 years as a journalist at TheStreet.com where he wrote the highly popular column “The 5 Dumbest Things on Wall Street This Week”. His work has appeared in magazines ranging from Glamour to ESPN the Magazine, and on humor sites such as Points in Case. He also wrote and produced the award-winning film Friends and Romans, as well as off-Broadway plays Clemenza & Tessio Are Dead, The Stella and Saps.