Mindful Leadership: The A to Z Guide For Stress-Free Leadership
Holly Duckworth
In a world where few can agree on anything, most can agree we live in a stressed-out world. The research points to the undeniable fact that organizations are struggling to find leaders because few people want to sell their life to the stress of leading organizations. Mindful Leadership: The A to Z Guide for Stress-free Leadership is a quick answer to this problem. Here you will find:
- The answer to “What is Mindfulness for leaders?”
- Mindfulness experiences that do not require a yoga mat
- Practices to adopt mindfulness as a leadership style
- Inspiration to choose stress-free leadership at work
No matter if you read cover to cover, do the practices each day, or take time to color-in each mandala, this book will have you moving from a mindfulness skeptic to mindful success.

Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP, LSP is CEO of Leadership Solutions International, a trailblazer transforming businesses and industries as the C-Suite Advisor on Mindful Leadership in the Workplace, a contributor to the New York Times, Producer/Host of the Everyday Mindfulness Show with more than 150 episodes Holly has provides training programs on applied mindful leadership and science around the world. Bring Holly to your company conference or event to educate, connect or inspire.
Founder of the C-Suite Network Mindful Leadership Council the premiere community for where mindfulness and leadership connect. The council she leads creates, contributes, and advances mindful leadership as a practice in the workplace. This is an elite group of professionals dedicated to the application of what mindfulness is, and the advancement of personal and emotional support for leaders to grow the income and impact of their businesses.
She works with stressed-out leaders to create, peace, presence, and profits. Holly’s career began in the world of non-profits and volunteer leadership teaching thousands of association staff and volunteers how to “reboot” for success. Today she takes the best of her strategic vision expertise, blends it with mindful leadership practices and her event background to curate experiential events that change hearts, minds and companies.
Our world has become mind less. Thru mindfulness training Holly works with you to know what mindfulness is, what it is not. Then apply your mindfulness techniques to produce more productive and profitable organizations.
Holly was named BizBash most Influential in both 2018 and 2019, Meetings Today 2018 Trend Setter for her applied mindfulness work and 2016 Smart Meetings Woman of the Year. Her podcast the Everyday Mindfulness Show and book were named top resources for mindful leadership in 2018. Holly’s current Everyday Mindfulness From Chaos to Calm In A Crazy World is a best seller and her award-winning book Sell More, Stress Less: 52 Tips to Become A Mindful Sales Professional and Ctrl+Alt+Believe: Reboot Your Association For Success has won two national awards. Holly believes mindfulness builds leaders and organizations that work for everyone.