Holly Duckworth
Countless challenges face associations today. As a leader, you choose how to respond to these challenges. Do you keep your association stagnant and block success, or do you create opportunities that, when leveraged, create higher levels of association achievement? Ctrl+Alt+Believe: Reboot Your Association For Success by Holly Duckworth moves associations through a process to clarify association beliefs, evaluate control, and create new alternate solutions.
Throughout the book we use both universal principles and timeless transformational tools to create success that will be sustainable for your organization. Our world today demands leaders blend authenticity and technology in powerful ways that drive results. To be innovative and thrive, association executives and boards of directors must balance the desire to honor their history and innovate simultaneously. Ctrl+Alt+Believe offers spiritual principals to help you reboot the way your staff and volunteers think about your organization’s vision and mission. You walk away with powerful questions, able to move from being stuck in your head to being capable of flowing action-from the heart of your staff and volunteer leadership. Evaluate what is controlling and holding back your association. Expand your ability to embrace and implement alternate solutions. Use the power of individual and collective belief to believe in a new day for your organization.
Attract and inspire the right staff and volunteers from the heart. Envision success-live from that place now. Affirm success in your association and allow it to be.

Business today is full of fear, doubt, and lacks positive beliefs. It has become a series of never ending cubicles, aisles of retail products, and commitment to status quo. Society today has created a belief that work has to be hard; you should pay your employees low salaries and work them to the bone. Ideas are not becoming a manifest reality because the leaders who create the products and services of tomorrow do not have the presence of Spirit and strategy to make it happen.
Our world is calling out for new leaders, not more managers. The leaders of tomorrow honor their Spirit blending the vision, mission and data to create sustainable business that care about the planet, their employees and customers equally. They are for something and against nothing.
We have to choose new beliefs about what business can be. As a collective world we must speak out and demand that business become a place of spirit. Meaning a place where we can be our true selves, share peace, make good money, share joy and be love. Places where together we create new visions, affirm new thoughts, and create new actions. Spirituality is not religion. We need to get back to listening to our intuition, being creative and honoring our uniqueness.
It’s time for a new design for business.
We cannot create the future of business without conscious commitment to “reboot”. Business must become mindful about the work they do. Mindful meaning aware that when we pay our people low end salaries and demand they work long hours they are no longer productive. Become mindful that something as simple as offering meditation or healthy breaks can rejuvenate employees and inspire them to work for a vision that makes a difference.
Leaders must co-create a vision with their people not simply dictate the vision from on high. When was the last time you even looked at your company vision statement? Most do not know it. How can you believe in a higher vision you do not know? Re-commit to your vision. Bring it up to the 20th century. Make it 6-10 positive works that resonate with your employees, words that they can be proud to be apart of memorizing with their heart and sharing with the community.
Move this vision thru a visioning process where colleagues come together and ask key questions beyond the excel spreadsheets such as: What is the highest and best this company can create? What does that (product or service) look like feel like, sound like? What must we embrace about this company? What must we release?
Be willing and open that “rebooting” your business will help you see and believe in higher levels of success. This must become a daily practice. Read your vision/mission statement each day as a company. Use it to remember your “why” and to inspire.
Advance your beliefs, vision and mission with affirmations. Today affirmations must become more than a personal self-help strategy but a business tool for community consensus and positivity.
Affirmations are 1-2 sentences phrases designed to help us shift what we think. What we think creates our reality. If your team says each day, “I hate this job. I only do it for pay check.” You get out what you put in. A new design for business states affirmations, such as; “This Company is a prosperous and fun place to work. We build great products backed by a powerful customer service team. Our customers, employees and partners know we believe in a world that works for everyone.”
These positive statements are mini-ways to shift the thoughts, eventually creating new beliefs and actions that turn out better business.
A new design for business begins with new beliefs that business can be about collaboration and not competition, new vision and Truth; business can have authenticity and spirit. Build this a bold strategy and your success will build more success.
Reboot your business believe in a higher vision!

Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP is CEO of Leadership Solutions International as consultant, speaker and facilitator on leadership and spirituality. She works with businesses to have clear vision, authentic action, and heart centered transformational leadership.
Author of Ctrl+Alt+Believe: Reboot Your Association For Success, Holly is a columnist for MeetingsNet/IdeaExchange on leadership the meetings industry and writes a regular on the future of spirituality in business for Science of Mind magazine. Look for her on New Voices of Hay House Radio. She lives in Denver Colorado.
Learn more at www.hollyduckworth.com, on LinkedIn & follow her on twitter @hduckworth