Follow These Leaders
Jill Griffin
What if you could gather the smartest people you know into one room and ask them anything? Who would be there? What would you ask?
Follow These Leaders is a chance to do just that.
Jill Griffin reached out to her network…and even complete strangers….and asked them to contribute their best advice and counsel in these pages. She had no idea that nearly everyone would jump at the opportunity to share what they know with people they don’t know and may never meet in person. The room filled up quickly and the wisdom flowed freely. The result? A wise and entertaining handbook with a single goal. Help you soar! Follow these leaders and build a great career and life!

Small-town North Carolina native, Jill Griffin is a columnist, NYSE independent Public Board Director for Luby’s/Fuddruckers Restaurants and an internationally-published Harvard “Working Knowledge” author. Follow These Leaders is her sixth book.