Connected Medical Devices

John Zaleski

Within a healthcare enterprise, patient vital signs and other automated measurements are communicated from connected medical devices to end-point systems, such as electronic health records, data warehouses and standalone clinical information systems. Connected Medical Devices: Integrating Patient Care Data in Healthcare Systems explores how medical device integration (MDI) supports quality patient care and better clinical outcomes by reducing clinical documentation transcription errors, improving data accuracy and density within clinical records and ensuring the complete capture of medical device information on patients.

The book begins with a comprehensive overview of the types of medical devices in use today and the ways in which those devices interact, before examining factors such as interoperability standards, patient identification, clinical alerts and regulatory and security considerations. Offering lessons learned from his own experiences managing MDI rollouts in both operating room and intensive care unit settings, the author provides practical guidance for healthcare stakeholders charged with leading an MDI rollout. Topics include working with MDI solution providers, assembling an implementation team and transitioning to go-live. Special features in the book include a glossary of acronyms used throughout the book and sample medical device planning and testing tools.

About the Author

John Zaleski, PhD, CPHIMS, brings more than 25 years of experience in researching and ushering to market devices and products to improve healthcare. Dr. Zaleski received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, with a dissertation that describes a novel approach for modeling and prediction of post-operative respiratory behavior in post-surgical cardiac patients. He has a particular expertise in designing, developing, and implementing clinical and non-clinical point-of-care applications for hospital enterprises. Dr. Zaleski is the named inventor or co-inventor on seven issued patents related to medical device interoperability. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles on clinical use of medical device data, information technology and medical devices and wrote two seminal books on integrating medical device data into electronic health records and the use of medical device data for clinical decision making.

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