Create, Execute, Repeat
Jordan Thomas
One of the most important but often overlooked components the world is able to use is creativity. Growing up, we tend to lose it for the sake of becoming what is deemed normal. Creativity is something I value very deeply and I hope for this to inspire those reading to utilize the blessed gift of it not just for themselves, but for the benefit of others. It starts with an idea: creating it, executing it, and leveraging it.

Jordan Thomas was born in February 1997 in Reno, Nevada, growing up in Bakersfield, California. He is currently a student at Cal State San Bernardino as a Communication Studies major. He has been inspired by his Word Press blog along with the acclaim from those in high school for his writing skills to pursue music, writing a book, and public speaking. Outside of school and writing, Jordan is a musician, with a skilled ability to sing, dance, and play piano.