Leadership Step-by-Step

Joshua Spodek

If you want to attract and inspire people to get the job done with loyalty, dedication, quality, and to enjoy the process, you don’t need another book telling you that you need grit, integrity, or any other skill that everyone knows helps.

You want those skills!

… but reading about integrity doesn’t give you integrity.

Leadership Step by Step is the first book to give you exercises to develop the skills of effective leaders—to develop your vision, speak authentically, attract talent, build teams, inspire people, and support them so they want you to lead them again, and more. You don’t learn basketball by reading about basketball. You learn by practicing the basics and playing.

Leadership Step by Step gives you the leadership equivalent of layups and jump shots: a series of exercises from basic to advanced. Step by step, you will develop the skills of great leaders, though experience, what leadership guru Marshall Goldsmith calls

a once-in-a-lifetime game-changing advance in our field everyone else will follow. It’s better than business school courses.

About Joshua

Joshua Spodek, bestselling author of Leadership Step by Step, is an Adjunct Professor at NYU, leadership coach and workshop leader for Columbia Business School, columnist for Inc., and founder of SpodekAcademy.com.

He has led seminars in leadership, entrepreneurship, creativity, and sales at Harvard, Princeton, MIT, INSEAD, the New York Academy of Science, and in private corporations. He holds five Ivy League degrees, including a PhD in Astrophysics and an MBA, and studied under a Nobel Prize winner. He helped build an X-ray observational satellite for NASA, co-founded and led as CEO or COO several ventures, and holds six patents.

He earned praise as “Best and Brightest” (Esquire’s Genius Issue), “Astrophysicist turned new media whiz” (NBC), and “Rocket Scientist” (ABC News and Forbes) and has been quoted and profiled by ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. He has visited North Korea twice, swam across the Hudson River, and has done burpees every day since December 2011. He lives in Greenwich Village and blogs daily at www.joshuaspodek.com.

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