Soccer Thinking for Management Success: Lessons for organizations from the world's game
Peter Loge
Soccer is 90 minutes of systems thinking in action. Soccer Thinking for Management Success is by a soccer fan and player who has spent a career building and running teams and organizations. He draws on insights from leaders, known and not-so-well-known who use soccer thinking to succeed. This is not just another book on how to be a great leader by a famous person. This is a management and leadership book by, and for, the rest of us.
The modern world is networked and always working. Organizations no longer have the luxury of time. Expertise is no longer confined to a couple of smart guys in corner offices, reviewing information to which only they have access and issuing instructions through layers of middle-men to nine-to-fivers who carry out the dictates and feed paper back up the chain, awaiting the next set of instructions. Today’s successful organization is decentralized and never stops moving. In fact, organizational success is a lot like soccer. Every player is both a specialist and generalist. Responsibility on the field is distributed, and everyone on the team works for everyone else. Communication among players is constant

Peter Loge is an Associate Professor in the School of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University, strategic and communications consultant, and author.
Over more than two decades in Washington, Loge has served in senior positions for three members of the House, the late Senator Kennedy, and in the Obama administration. In those roles he put the first member of Congress on the Internet, was a Chief of Staff during the impeachment of President Clinton, worked on the Affordable Care Act, and served as a Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration – a position the Commissioner created for Peter and to which he was appointed by President Obama. Peter has also served as: the first Director of The Justice Project, which helped redefine the death penalty debate in America; the first Vice President for External Relations at the United States Institute of Peace; a senior vice president at a national communications consulting firm; and the principal and founder his own public affairs firm. Over the years, he has advised organizations ranging from America’s Funniest Home Videos and American Farmland Trust to the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley.
Peter is a graduate of Emerson College. He holds graduate degrees from Syracuse University and Arizona State University, and he is an Associate Fellow of Timothy Dwight College at Yale University.