Online PR and Social Media for Experts
Randall Craig
Develop your reputation, get found, and attract a following
You probably have a web site, blog, a LinkedIn profile and possible more. But is all of this giving you exposure? Are you being called by media? And how are you doing in your search engine rankings? This 143 page book, written for thought leaders and subject matter experts, reviews a number of strategic models, and then provides step-by-step instructions on building your influence and protecting your reputation – without wasting your time.

There are many reasons why an investment in Social Media makes sense, but precious little about why it may not. After advising on digital strategy and online engagement for over 23 years, here are 23 reasons why you should give it a skip:
When your target audience isn’t online.
When it is not “core” to your organization’s success.
Because Social Media doesn’t close the sale: real people do.
Because you suspect that the value of likes, comments, and shares are over-valued.
Because Social Media is not producing the results you expect.
When there is no accountability for performance.
When it becomes a significant chore.
When it cannot be properly resourced.
When personal Social Media time masquerades as business Social Media time.
When it is preventing the organization from resourcing other critical activities.
When you actually have nothing to say.
When the activity skates on the edge of the ethical.
When doing the activity is no longer legally compliant. (e.g. CASL)
When there is no commitment to community management.
When you cannot (or choose not to) invest in the technologies that will activate your Social Media investment. (eg Marketing Automation)
When you cannot keep up with the latest best practices.
When you think it is cost-free. (Time does have value!)
When there is inadequate time to monitor the impact of your efforts.
When you tried it before and it didn’t work.
When you don’t have a risk-management policy.
When you choose not to leverage your stakeholders to spread your message.
When you don’t invest in staff training.
When you choose to execute… without a strategy.
This week’s action plan: While these are great reasons to skip Social Media, the list also serves as great criteria for how to do it well. This week, use this as a checklist: what is your organization doing, and what is it missing?
Note: The Make It Happen Tipsheet is also available by email. Go to to register.
Randall Craig
@RandallCraig (follow me)

Randall Craig has founded several successful start-ups, held a long-time position at a “big-four” consulting firm, and was an executive at an American public company. He currently serves as the 108 ideaspace President and chief strategist. Randall has been advising on Web Strategy since 1994: he put the Toronto Star online, as well as the Globe and Mail’s GlobeInvestor/Globefund, several financial institutions, and about 100+ other major organizations.
Randall is the author of seven books, including Social Media for Business, Digital Transformation for Associations, and the Everything Guide to Starting an Online Business. He blogs for the Huffington Post, and is the host of Professionally Speaking TV. He has been profiled across national media, and frequently appears as an expert on radio, TV, and newspapers. For the last decade, Randall has served at the board level for several national organizations. He holds a CFA, MBA, CMC, CSP, and a Black Belt in karate.