Leaders in Transition
Steve Broe
Based on interviews with 33 career changers who became leaders after a transition, LEADERS IN TRANSITION answers the question, “How do you become a leader after a career change?” As people make work transitions in mid-career, some will decide to become a leader. Leaders in Transition explores the challenge of making a significant transition, and guides career changers to become successful in their new work. Career transitions are a substantial change from one career path to another, such as a career military officer who becomes a schoolteacher or principal. After talking to 33 leaders about their career change, five critical factors were identified. This book shows today’s career changer how to take the important next steps to launch an influential new career and find lasting satisfaction leading others.

Steve Broe is a leadership coach and university professor who writes about people changing their lives at work.
He was born in Southern California, moving to Arizona in the early 1990s. He has two adult children and is joyously married to Carolyn, who he stole from the beach city of Newport Beach. He operated a family business for 30 years, and started a charter school organization in the mid-1990s.
Steve has practiced the martial art of Aikido, which taught him to appreciate balance and vitality in the way he works, moves and think. He has also been active in Toastmasters International, which values excellence in speaking, thinking and leading. He also is an amateur musician, playing the bass clarinet.
Steve’s first book, published by ProQuest in 2009, was an academic dissertation on leadership and examined how US military veterans see the leadership challenges in schools. In 2012, Steve published Leaders in Transition, which asks the question “How do people change careers and become a leader in the process?”
Steve Broe teaches organizational behavior and leadership with the University of Phoenix and Grand Canyon University. He lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.