Mindful Performance
Theresa Rose
Mindful Performance is an easy-to-digest how-to book that blends mindfulness and mental mastery techniques with proven high-performance business strategies you can immediately use to realize your true potential at work, at home, and all day long. Discover 81 real-world, practical strategies to help you implement a more mindful approach in key areas of your life in order to improve your focus, increase your personal and professional presence, and create more meaningful connections with your customers, teams, key influencers, and loved ones. Mindful Performance isn’t airy-fairy, cosmic-muffiny, woo-woo fluff. It’s cold-steel next-generation management best practices that result in more money to the bottom line and a better quality of life. Who doesn’t want that?

Theresa Rose is an award-winning author, performance coach, management consultant, standup comedian, former marketing senior manager for a Fortune 100 company, and sought-after keynote speaker on leadership, sales, change, and communication. For more information on Theresa’s work, visit TheresaRose.com.