When Buyers Say No
Tom Hopkins
This is a complete and practical guide which highlights the authors’ new strategic approaches to selling when the buyer initially declines or is resistant on a sales opportunity. Hopkins and Katt explain that most sales reps take a traditional linear approach to selling, but that the trick in closing is in taking a more creative and circular approach. That’s the key.
It all starts with how the buyer initially says, “No.” Too many sales reps don’t pay close attention as to how that’s presented. Hopkins and Katt point out that “no” may suggest all sorts of other options — avenues that can eventually lead to the buyer actually saying yes.
The authors introduce a novel concept called the Circle of Persuasion which offers sales reps a new approach in this potentially tricky process. Along the way, WHEN BUYERS SAY NO details prescriptive steps and even sample dialogues that will instruct and guide sales professionals on how to best cultivate buyer-seller relationships.
There’s particular emphasis on how to establish the kind of rapport that ultimately leads to a successful close.

Nothing happens until someone sells something. It doesn’t matter if you have a great idea, a great product, service, or place to take friends to eat, you’re always selling. Doubt it? Who was the last person you spoke with? What was the conversation about? Did you sell them on doing something? Sell them on yourself as a friend, spouse, business associate? Or, did they sell you on something?
In business, every interaction with internal and external clients is a sales presentation of sorts. We want to keep our internal clients, our employees, happy working with us. When they’re given clear communications, you’re selling them on an idea, then pointing them toward the starting gate to get the job done. You’re also providing them the tools they need to accomplish the projects they’re assigned. Sell the good ones on staying with your company. Sell the not-so-good ones on seeking employment elsewhere.
Every customer service contact is another sales presentation—a presentation with the potential end result of preventing clients from going to the competition. We all give dozens of presentations in business situations each week. Here are just a few examples:
- – Answering questions: A client calls with a question about using your product. Rather than simply answering the question and ending the call, gently remind him or her of your availability. Your helpfulness is a demonstration (presentation) of excellent customer service—just one of the reasons they continue to do business with you.
- – Problem solving: When clients have issues with products, you can present solutions for the current situation and possibly a better solution (upgraded product) for the future.
- – Customer service: When you speak with clients about updates or upgrades on your product, this is an opportunity to demonstrate that you are your client’s advocate with the company.
Each communication with your clients or potential clients should be considered an active presentation for reselling them on your brand and on you as a sales professional—ready, willing and able to serve their needs.
When the world realizes that every person-to-person interaction is an opportunity to present or sell, and treats it as such, we’ll all be better off.

Tom Hopkins carries the standard as a master sales trainer and is recognized as the world’s leading authority on selling techniques and salesmanship.
Over five million salespeople on five continents have attended Tom’s high-energy live seminars. Tom personally conducts over 30 seminars each year traveling throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Europe, and the Philippines.
Tom got his start at the young age of 19 in the field of real estate. After failing miserably his first six months, he discovered that successful selling is a learned skill. He became an avid student, making selling his hobby. By the age of 27, he achieved millionaire status having sold over 1,553 homes.
With his strategies in great demand, Tom moved into the field of training, holding seminars, creating broadcast quality video systems, and high-quality audio recordings as well as writing books. His proven-effective methods and strategies for selling have been in high demand nearly 40 years.
Tom Hopkins is the author of “How to Master the Art of Selling™,” which has sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide. He has also authored 16 other books on the topics of selling and success. His latest, When Buyers Say No, is receiving rave reviews.