
The first ever playbook for B2B salespeople on how to win clients and customers who are already being serviced by your competition, from the author of The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need and The Lost Art of Closing. Like it or not, sales is often a zero-sum game: Your win is someone else’s loss. ...

Innovation is not just about technical and systematic processes. In The Innovator’s Advantage, authors Evans Baiya and Ron Price reveal that the key to success is how you intertwine people throughout the innovation process. Organizing people is the first step and wrapping the processes tools, and systems around the people is the second step. Understanding how ...

Being Human challenges the notion that technical competence and a Robotic approach to Human Management still has a place in a more modern Humanistic World. Mark’s 7 Steps to Rewire your Management Style will enable you to reach your Human potential. Real and Raw, Mark uses his own failures as learnings and successes as a ...

Mindful Performance is an easy-to-digest how-to book that blends mindfulness and mental mastery techniques with proven high-performance business strategies you can immediately use to realize your true potential at work, at home, and all day long. Discover 81 real-world, practical strategies to help you implement a more mindful approach in key areas of your life ...

“High-Profit Prospecting” digs deep into the specific techniques sales leaders use to keep their pipeline full of the RIGHT prospects. Consistently closing more sales at top dollar is possible only with prospecting strategies that surpass what your competitors are doing. In his book “High-Profit Prospecting,” Mark Hunter shows you how to do exactly that!...

CAREER ADVICE FROM A GLOBAL CEO WHO JUST HAPPENS TO BE A MOM In Her New Book Mom.B.A., CEO Karyn Schoenbart Provides An Insider’s Guide To Career Success Imagine what your life would be like if your mother was the CEO of a global company. Instead of just helping with your homework, she could provide ...

Discover 25 proven strategies any size organization or individual can use to accelerate innovation and growth with the low risk and high confidence certainty provides. Technology-driven change is accelerating at an exponential rate, and organizations of all sizes are finding that reacting to problems and digital disruptions, no matter how agile you or your organization ...

For the Board Seeker… This is the first practical guide written specifically to help board-ready leaders and executives gain the knowledge, resources, and confidence to shape their successful personal “onboarding” program. Assess the experience you’ve gained that makes you valuable to a board (there’s more than you think). Shape this into a powerful outreach portfolio, ...

In business and life, there are often moments when one simply can’t seem to find a way forward. Searching in the past for solutions to persistent problems results in frustration and confusion. Issues in corporate teamwork and individual relationships can feel overwhelming and even insurmountable. B State provides a clear roadmap from point A to ...