
Straight Talk Your Way to Success Are you tired of “smart talk” that leads to no good outcome? Do you really want to endure another meeting, conversation or planning session that wastes your time and leads to no meaningful conclusion? If you’ve had enough overdose on management consulting jargon, political double-talk, pointless meetings and friendly ...

Nationally recognized communication expert Debra Fine reveals the techniques and strategies anyone can use to make small talk–in any situation. Do you spend an abnormal amount of time hiding out in the bathroom or hanging out at the buffet table at social gatherings? Does the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger make ...

Million Dollar Blind Spots by Gary Patterson will create clear understanding to uncover blind spots in your company-and will dramatically accelerate correct business leadership decisions. Million Dollar Blind Spots is hailed by industry professionals as a commonsense approach to risk management....

In Do the KIND Thing, author Daniel Lubetzky shares the revolutionary principles that have shaped KIND’s business model and led to its success, while offering an unfiltered and intensely personal look into the mind of a pioneering social entrepreneur. Inspired by his father, who survived the Holocaust thanks to the courageous kindness of strangers, Lubetzky began ...

In today’s world, we need more than determination to reach our goals; we need naked determination. Applying this powerful momentum to all facets of life, we can achieve immense success and even greatness. In her life skills book ‘Naked Determination, 41 Stories About Overcoming Fear’ Gisela Hausmann tells forty-one true stories demonstrating how we can ...

You CAN master the skill of public speaking! Laugh your way through Milo’s clever, tip-loaded “Top 10 Lists”. Conquer any fears as you excel in this important tool for success. Public speaking coach Milo Shapiro blends core speaking fundamentals, lessons learned from his own years as a professional motivational speaker since 2002, and relevant exercises ...

Whether you manage a department of three employees, or an international organization with thousands of employees, one thing impacts your success more than anything else: Your Mental Approach It’s all in your head…the rest is detail! The way we approach our life, the attitude we bring every day, and our continuous focus on serving others ...

People don’t resist change if they are prepared for change. Change Ready! How to Turn Change Resistance into Change Readiness, by Rita Burgett-Martell, provides leaders with a practical step-by-step guide to implementing, managing and sustaining change. Readers will gain insight into the personal reactions that cause resistance to change and learn what to do to minimize resistance, ...

Across the world millions of people aren’t inspired at work or given the opportunity to give their best and fulfill their potential because they have ineffective leaders. Many leaders aspire to be the best they can be but have never been given the tools to achieve that. Having an ineffective leader impacts on everyone, on ...