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Nathan Jamail
Creating a Coaching Culture to Build Winning Business Teams There are enormous differences between managing and coaching. Yet many companies and organizations encourage their leaders to coach teams without ever teaching them how and without creating a culture that supports coaching. Nathan Jamail—a leading consultant, professional speaker, and the president of his own group of ...

Josh Allan Dykstra
Why is it that so many of us toil away in jobs we hate, being treated like machines, doing things that will eventually ruin the planet? Is this really the best we can do with our work and our lives? Concluding a massive research project spanning the fields of behavioral economics, future trend analysis, and ...

Dina Simon
Make Unstoppable Simple Being unstoppable doesn’t mean you are never blocked or stuck on your way through life. It means you need to figure out how to break through life’s obstacles and fully live your journey. That’s the essence of Make Unstoppable Simple. It is a creative way to problem-solve, learn to see road blocks or ...

Lee Frederiksen
What does it take to become a well-known expert in your field — someone other practitioners and the media seek out for leadership and insight? We call these stars Visible Experts℠. And becoming one is easier than it looks. What You Will Learn The 5 levels of Visible Experts How these stars earn up to ...

Robert Sher
Most midsized company leaders want their businesses to become mighty growth machines. Unfortunately, sometimes that growth slows, stops, or goes the other way, and their leaders don’t know why. Is it the market? Is it the product? Is it the leadership team? Is it something he or she has done wrong – an ill-conceived deal; ...

In today’s sales world there’s no room for followers. But there’s plenty of room for leaders. Competition is intense, and if you don’t take a leadership role in producing results for your clients, someone else will. In Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way, Ron Karr outlines a repeatable process based on the powerful ...

David Meltzer
There are seven interconnected principles that are applicable to our lives in general and just as relevant to more specific pursuits such as business. Each principle is supported by four key elements. The goal is to create an energy that scales itself by generating its own like-kind energy. Ultimately, we want to not only put ...

Mindy Hall
Too often executives allow their functional roles to define who they are as leaders. Instead, they should focus on the type of leader they want to be, and let that knowledge guide deliberate choices and actions – to lead with intention. Hall argues that this is the most overlooked skill for those at the top, ...

Joel Trammell
Joel Trammell’s new book, The CEO Tightrope: How to Master the Balancing Act of a Successful CEO, prepares seasoned and aspiring CEOs for this very unique and unpredictable position—a job that most are unprepared for and at which many fail too soon. This thought-provoking book by a long-time entrepreneur, IT-industry expert, investor and former instructor ...