
Leadership loneliness is a phenomenon felt by many leaders both in the boardroom and on the front line, and while many leaders have not managed to avoid loneliness and isolation, it is possible. Through, Leaders Don’t Have To Be Lonely: Eliminating Loneliness and Lead Like A Coach, new managers learn the three most common reasons ...

What if you could gather the smartest people you know into one room and ask them anything? Who would be there? What would you ask? Follow These Leaders is a chance to do just that. Jill Griffin reached out to her network…and even complete strangers….and asked them to contribute their best advice and counsel in ...

Called “brutally honest, incredibly practical, and refreshingly hopeful,” Headley and Manke shake traditional corporate culture to the core in this important and desperately needed book. Corporate success is hampered by the failure to create an Internal Experience (iX) that keeps the best people, enables true innovation and creativity, and implements change quickly and effectively. iX Leadership: ...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting different results. We have fallen into a pattern where we repeat the mistakes others made in the past, but have we asked ourselves, why are we making the same mistakes? The answer is lack of leadership development. Much like a strong ...

Larry Vaughn owned and operated a successful print company – Ideal Printers – for 26 years and helped found two premier, international business cooperatives. Larry recently wrote and published a personal memoir, Business Cards and Shoe Leather, revealing how his small-town upbringing emphasized his personal ethics, relationship building, and mentoring. He built his career in ...

If you want to increase team productivity, relieve stress, and be happier at work, you could hire a bunch of workplace consultants, invest in scream therapy, and put Pharrell Williams on repeat—or you could just read Humor That Works. Written by Andrew Tarvin, the world’s first Humor Engineer, this a business book on humor. No, ...

Does your leadership matter? Will you be remembered? Do you have IMPACT? IMPACT: A Leadership Fable is an inspirational tale of how to be a quality leader while maintaining values we often lose sight of along the road to success. This is not your typical list of ways to be a better leader. Galen uses ...

Practical insights on workplace know-how…proven tactics and hacks for better relationships, communication and effectiveness at work. Being average at your job is over. Not being interdisciplinary can harm your career. To thrive in a rapidly changing world, managers and teams need to continuously improve their workplace know-how: the art of communication and influence, productivity, sales ...

Leadership is one of the world’s oldest professions. There are countless resources for one to learn about leadership and do in-depth study. In this book, my goal is not to provide a scholarly tome, but rather to provide emerging leaders simple messages for guidance and success. I do this through 140 simple messages that have ...