
Why do so many leaders fail, and what do the best do differently? Thousands of leadership books tell you how to be a great leader. Far fewer books delver deeper into the surprisingly common mistakes managers, CEOs, and supervisors unknowingly make that derail their successes. Using real scenarios and examples collected through their combined years ...

Where do most customer experiences fail? It’s not systems. It’s not processes. It’s human beings. For most organizations, it’s frontline teams that make or break the customer’s experience; yet, too often, these teams are not given the tools they need to succeed with customers. Customer service can be incredibly difficult, and for the people on ...

“The Most Organized Man in America,” sought-after pro organizer and coach Andrew Mellen has created unique, lasting techniques for streamlined living, bringing order out of chaos for the chronically overwhelmed everywhere. Acknowledging that it’s often the “stuff behind the stuff” that holds people back, Mellen offers a surprisingly simple, yet effective solution in his step-by-step ...

Recycle, up-cycle, reconstruct, repurpose, and transform. Let’s face it. We love it when we see raw materials come together in new ways . . . kind of like chocolate and peanut butter. And not just in our personal lives. Every day, organizations of all types (tribes), look for ways to ingeniously take what they have ...

With this latest book, Greg takes readers on a journey of enlightenment and unravels the vortex of uncertainty that some find themselves in when trying to decipher body language to add extra dimensions to their negotiation abilities....

Dodging Bullets, Shooting Back addresses the complex dynamics in today’s business world with the clarity of someone who has lived through its ups and downs. The insight shared in this book will benefit everyone from those about to enter the corporate world to CEOs confronting today’s workplace challenges. The book provides the reader with a ...

Millions of baby boomers are just beginning to retire, and in doing so many are likely to run into adjustment problems, such as loss of identity, deterioration of marriage and social life, and feelings of disconnectedness to the world. Studies have found that as many as 40% of retirees have difficulty adjusting, and even those ...

In Chuck Gumbert’s second book, Pinnacle Leadership: How to Navigate Change, Move Forward and Reach Your Peak, he breaks down his renowned success model that will deliver practical solutions for you and your team if you: – Feel like you are spinning your wheels – Are busy but not as productive as you would like ...

General George S. Patton was legendary for his battle planning and strategy as well as his straightforward, no nonsense approach to all aspects of life. The General’s leadership principles are just what is needed to help solve the most pressing problems of today’s business world as it strives to Move Forward or Accelerate Performance. Chuck ...