
In the tradition of Kabul Beauty School and Start Something That Matters comes an inspiring story of social entrepreneurship from the co-founder of Kiva, the first online microlending platform for the working poor. Featuring lessons learned from successful businesses in the world’s poorest countries, Jessica Jackley’s Clay Water Brick will motivate readers to more deeply appreciate the incredible entrepreneurial potential that ...

Marketing today is out of control. With all the new marketing techniques accessible to the masses, it’s becoming harder and harder to stand out from the crowd. The result is more and more messages, hitting us more often in new and more intrusive ways. For customers, it’s a lot of noise. Through her work with ...

Have you ever wondered why almost identical products sell for vastly different sums just because of the name or logo printed on them? Why companies spend millions of dollars on advertising that seldom shows the product they want you to buy? Why some people get higher salaries for doing the exact same job as their ...

For any business owner, franchise operator, or marketing executive who seeks to increase sales while lowering marketing costs, Jeff Slutsky offers a new way of thinking. In this indispensable guide to getting more bang for your buck, the well-known marketing consultant tells business managers to think tactically and locally — using nontraditional, highly targeted forms ...

Play predates the development of human culture and our brains are hard-wired to use play as a tool to accelerate learning, strategically explore unfamiliar environments and develop collaborative social connections. Games are human created, formalized structures and processes designed to maximize engagement and get the most out of the “play” impulse. In fact, gaming comes ...

In today’s business world, it takes more than a website to stay competitive. The smartest, most successful companies are using radically new membership models, subscription-based formats, and freemium pricing structures to grow their customer base—and explode their market valuation—in the most disruptive shift in business since the Industrial Revolution. This is The Membership Economy from ...

The speed of innovation and change in B2B marketing has never been greater. And the need for clarity for a blueprint, for a guide to what’s really working and how to apply it specifically to increase sales pipeline growth, velocity and conversion – is what you’ll find in this book. It covers a lot of ...

It’s easy for today’s leaders to fall into the trap of accepting trendy big-data, social media, and mobile technology initiatives as the norm: “cool” initiatives that generate only superficial results. Seduced by their promise but concerned by their complexity, many leaders allow these initiatives to be implemented in isolation—segregated from what has traditionally driven organizational ...

If you are looking for a “How-To” social networking book, then this is not for you. This is a “Why-To” book. If you have been overwhelmed and confused by all the conflicting examples and theories about why social networking works for some and not for others, this book will be an eye opening, breath of ...