Self Help

There are good days and there are bad days. And then, there is every day. Our 24-hour day/7-day week/365-day year can be stress-inducing and anxiety creating. Most of us are overwhelmed just getting through our days. This book teaches applied mindfulness off a yoga mat or meditation pillow. Applied mindfulness consists of short two to ...

Who are you BEING when you are SELLING? Do you dream of being your organization’s top sales award-winner? Do you find yourself competing with the real or artificial intelligence sales“bot” to get your product or service in front of clients? Sales processes have become unsustainable. Every year sales goals get higher and higher. Sales professionals ...

At age 21, following Canada’s economic downturn, Marcus Ray entered the world of male exotic dancing. He was a stripper. After years of struggle and disappointment, Marcus made a commitment to come clean with himself and to those close to him about his past, hoping to shed light on the root of his issues with ...

The book is about the transformation journey every individual has to take if they want to improve their life for greater success. In this book, you will discover key factors to improve and grow both professionally and personally! Within these chapters, you will find seven simple, yet profound, steps to invest in yourself and transform ...

Featuring full-color illustrations, Just Feel is an engaging and easy-to-read guide that introduces kids to the building blocks of resilience and grit. The U.S. and other nations are quickly becoming aware of the importance of children’s ability to be independent and meet challenges head on; parents are eager for resources that help kids learn how ...

In DC Comics‘ DC Universe, a metahuman is a human with superpowers. However, for bestselling author Deepak Chopra, to be metahuman isn’t science fiction and is certainly not about being a superhero. To be metahuman means to move past the limitations constructed by the mind and to enter a new state of awareness in which we have deliberate and concrete access to ...

Larry Vaughn owned and operated a successful print company – Ideal Printers – for 26 years and helped found two premier, international business cooperatives. Larry recently wrote and published a personal memoir, Business Cards and Shoe Leather, revealing how his small-town upbringing emphasized his personal ethics, relationship building, and mentoring. He built his career in ...

Practical insights on workplace know-how…proven tactics and hacks for better relationships, communication and effectiveness at work. Being average at your job is over. Not being interdisciplinary can harm your career. To thrive in a rapidly changing world, managers and teams need to continuously improve their workplace know-how: the art of communication and influence, productivity, sales ...

Leadership is one of the world’s oldest professions. There are countless resources for one to learn about leadership and do in-depth study. In this book, my goal is not to provide a scholarly tome, but rather to provide emerging leaders simple messages for guidance and success. I do this through 140 simple messages that have ...