Self Help

Discover 25 proven strategies any size organization or individual can use to accelerate innovation and growth with the low risk and high confidence certainty provides. Technology-driven change is accelerating at an exponential rate, and organizations of all sizes are finding that reacting to problems and digital disruptions, no matter how agile you or your organization ...

Most of us don’t seek advice or reach out to others for help very easily. In part, it’s because we’re conditioned to see life as an individual endeavor rather than a team sport. Or because we believe that asking for help makes us look weak or incapable. We regard self-help as by-yourself-help. News flash: no ...

Do your healthcare projects feel overwhelming and stressful at times? Do you have difficulty collaborating with healthcare system professionals? Do you feel that your healthcare projects are just “done” or are they “well done”? Gone are the days when project success meant delivering on time and on budget. Today, the priority for everyone on a ...

To be young, polished and professional is not simply wearing the right clothes and saying the right words. Polished encompasses a solid grounding in VISA (Vision, Image, Speaking and Acting) – a framework over a decade in the making and used to help thousands of executives increase their performance and enhance their company’s brand. Put ...

Drive profitability, productivity, and accountability To create extraordinary lives, we must learn to “unplug” from the constant barrage of disruptions and “plug in” to the tools, strategies, and mindsets that allow us to harness our attention to reach our highest potential—and this book shows you how. Attention Pays spotlights on the power of attention and absolute ...

Why do some organizations regularly outperform their competition? What’s the key to creating a united team that’s an unstoppable force in your market? The answer lies in eliminating internal competition, people knowing and doing their job, and protecting each other. As a starting center for the Utah Jazz for over 10 years, Mark Eaton experienced the ...

In an era of unauthentic leaders, the stakes could not be higher for embracing a better version of yourself that propels you and your team to success. In a social media world there is an abundance of false narratives about happiness and authenticity, it is easy to get lost on your journey. Authentic leadership expert ...

Gloria Petersen’s “Success Strategies for Networking in Person and Online,” offers five paths to create your person-to-person and online networks and make the experience a win-win. She approaches networking as a career management tool for connecting people and acknowledges that there are many different personal styles of networking. She will help you realize that one’s ...

In Jack Myers prescient book, TheFuture of Men: Men on Trial, he predicted the current wave of exposure of male harassment, indecency and shame. He also uncovers the subtle and less exposed ways men suffer from the addiction of the negative patriarchy, passed down from generation to generation. He explains how this addiction has manifest ...