
In today’s high-tech world, there are more ways than ever before to communicate: email, text messaging, voicemails, blogs, tweets, video conference calls, and remote meetings. But one thing is still exactly the same as in the old days: there are effective and ineffective ways to express yourself. All business professionals need to know how to ...

Based on interviews with more than 150 CIOs, IT/business executives, and academic thought leaders, The Strategic CIO: Changing the Dynamics of the Business Enterprise provides insight, success stories, and a step-by-step methodology to transform your IT organization into a strategic asset that drives customer value, increases revenues, and enhances shareholder wealth. The book details how ...

The aim of this book is to compel leaders to replace their typical performance appraisal methods with one more closely aligned with systems thinking. In addition, the aim is to replace it with one that actually achieves the desired outcomes of increasing individual development, improving communication between employees, implementing organizational strategies, and improving organizational performance. ...

Customer Loyalty Isn’t Enough. Grow Your Share of Wallet! The Wallet Allocation Rule by Timothy Keiningham is a revolutionary, definitive guide for winning the battle for share of customers’ hearts, minds, and wallets. Backed by rock-solid science published in the Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review, this landmark book introduces a new and rigorously tested ...

52 Sales Management Tips is written for sales managers who struggle within a corporate environment that doesn’t always support them or their development needs. Whether you are a sales executive, senior sales leader or a new, experienced or aspiring sales manager I’m confident you will find this book to be a valuable guide to consult ...

Become The Go-To Person For Your Own Success by Stephen Sapato teaches small business owners and entrepreneurs how to realize tremendous growth by using 21st Century Professional Business Networking methods. It starts at the basics of how to be a professional and leads you to what you can expect from your results as you grow yourself ...

Stressed? Overwhelmed? Burned Out? Learn transformational life skills in this exciting new modern business fable by acclaimed expert R. Michael Anderson. More than just a story, The Experiment: Discover a Revolutionary Way to Manage Stress and Achieve Work-Life Balance is a window into a new way of living. Follow Dennis as he overcomes career burnout, personal issues, and ...

America has become a nation “stuck in a meeting.” Between corporate boardrooms, all hands meetings, and conference calls, few of us can claim our time is meeting-free. Even fewer can claim every “mandatory session” was worth it. But Paul Axtell – a consultant with more than 30 years of experience in personal and professional organization ...

Folding Time™ by Neen James is about being accountable for our time, engaging our attention and leveraging our energy. In this practical book, you will find easy to digest, implementable strategies you can apply at work and home. Each chapter features an ‘Accelerate’ page with a summary of the main points in the chapter (designed ...