
With the wisdom, humor, curiosity, and sharp insights that have brought millions of readers to his New York Times column and his previous bestsellers, David Brooks has consistently illuminated our daily lives in surprising and original ways. In The Social Animal, he explored the neuroscience of human connection and how we can flourish together. Now, in The Road to Character, he ...

In his book, A Taste of Leadership™, Danny Valenzuela offers a taste of some fundamental practices of leadership and becoming an effective leader. These principles can be especially valuable to new, aspiring, and experienced leaders. The book offers a taste of his ideas, experiences, readings, and observations on the subject of leadership, coaching, and life. ...

Your life’s work is too important to simply begrudge and endure. A business parable for the ages, Hallelujah! will help you to “hear the music” at work and to believe in the dignity of life’s labors. When Susan is unexpectedly promoted to store manager, productivity falls, tension rises, and the best employees begin to leave. ...

Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins! Tell it to sell it! Help your customers make your story their story. Learn six kinds of stories to tell from four reliable sources of stories. How to find and tell stories that • Win trust • Win curiosity • Win the sale • Win the day New second ...

Would You Buy from You? Many people cannot answer this question or struggle with it only to find that their best response is a “maybe” or “uhhh I guess” or the noncommittal “it depends.” Huh? If You Would Not Buy from You, why would anyone else buy from you? The answer is simple. They will ...

Our world is starving for real leaders to truly become a success by being strong in their ethics and convictions versus being popular, greedy or prideful. We need authentic, trustworthy, competent men and women to become leaders who help those in need, provide jobs, support and care for neighbors, their employees and our world. This ...

The popular guide used by entrepreneurs, start-ups, small businesses and non-profits everywhere to build an irresistible brand on any budget is now updated! Branding Basics for Small Business, 2nd Edition includes fresh content around social media, content marketing and networking trends and additional real-world case studies of small business and entrepreneurial success. Small businesses, start-ups, ...

In The Eureka Factor, John Kounios and Mark Beeman explain how insights arise and what the scientific research says about stimulating more of them. They discuss how various conditions affect the likelihood of your having an insight, when insight is helpful and when deliberate methodical thought is better suited to a task, what the relationship is between ...

Nationally recognized communication expert Debra Fine reveals the techniques and strategies anyone can use to make small talk–in any situation. Do you spend an abnormal amount of time hiding out in the bathroom or hanging out at the buffet table at social gatherings? Does the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger make ...