Must Read

In today’s competitive, global, connected, and fast-paced business environment, how do young women get career savvy quickly? Two Silicon Valley insiders, Alice Nagle & Luanne Tierney, share advice gained from their professional successes, triumphs, and disappointments. Like a trusted mentor, they offer practical tips, personal stories, and exercises for becoming career smart. This book is ...

Coming Alive: The Journey To Reengage Your Life And Career by Ruth Ross is the prescription for anyone who has ever personally felt the pain of knowing they weren’t fully engaged at work or at home (or both), has an important person in his or her life experiencing this or perhaps manages a team that is ...

It’s easy for today’s leaders to fall into the trap of accepting trendy big-data, social media, and mobile technology initiatives as the norm: “cool” initiatives that generate only superficial results. Seduced by their promise but concerned by their complexity, many leaders allow these initiatives to be implemented in isolation—segregated from what has traditionally driven organizational ...

Salespeople today face a fast-paced and increasingly crowded marketplace where meaningful product differentiation has all but disappeared. To compete success fully, sellers must set themselves apart in the eyes of buyers. Amp Up Your Sales shows anyone how to become the trusted sales professional who consistently wins new business. Customers are overloaded with information, overwhelmed ...

Leaders, managers, and coaches are charged with getting people to stretch their limits but are often unsuccessful. Top leadership coach Marcia Reynolds says the problem is, incorrectly handled, difficult conversations create more resistance than growth. Reynolds offers a model and methods for discovering what to say so people change their own minds. As a result, ...

About The Barefoot Spirit It is hard to believe that such an iconic brand as Barefoot Wines began in a laundry room of a rented farmhouse in the Sonoma County hills. Even more surprising is that the people who started it were just an average business couple, Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, with no money and ...

A new data-driven approach to building customer relationships that fuel sustainable business growth Igniting Customer Connections explores how organizations of all sizes can build powerful and profitable customer relationships in a today’s increasingly complex, fast-paced, and fragmented marketplace. Written by the president of one of the world’s largest marketing firms, the book provides expert insights about ...

We are living in disruptive times. In fact 76% of distributors surveyed believe we are living in an environment we could call the age of disruption. Leaders throughout the industry are challenged by the constant pressures that come at them from all directions. The pressures could be competitive from the marketplace, or come as a ...

Do your customers make more money doing business with you? Knowing the answer can help you build measurable and valuable customer relationships, outperform the competition, and unlock profitable growth. Companies are blind to opportunities for profitable customer relationships without a deep understanding of how they create customer value relative to competitors. With a rigorous and ...