
How many times have you dreamed of making something great happen in your life? In your work? In your relationships? Speaker, author, business coach, organizing expert, mom, and wife, Elizabeth Hagen shared 31 stories that offer dramatic lessons she’s learned to help you start loving who you are and what you do right now. You’ll ...

Make every sales call count and be the ONE seller buyers want to talk to! With DISCOVER Questions™ , you will be able to differentiate yourself from the pack, create value for your buyers and connect in ways you never knew were possible. The research (20+ years with sellers like you!) and anecdotes from actual ...

Productive, energized, and innovative teams are critical to your success. In The Seven Things Your Team Needs to Hear You Say, author David M. Dye shares practical and encouraging tools you can use to cultivate engaged, responsible, and results-oriented teams. Whether you’re a new frontline leader, a small business owner, or a veteran manager, The ...

HOW TO WRITE BRILLIANT BUSINESS BLOGS The no-bullsh*t guide to writing blogs that boost your brand, business and customer loyalty … Fed up with the gurus and so-called experts telling you how to set up your blog without sharing any really useful ideas on what to write about? This is the book that cures the ...

Gloria Petersen’s “Seven Steps to Impressive Greetings and Confident Interactions” offers proven strategies to make your next interaction the first step toward one of many successful business relationships. You career depends on confident first impressions, clear communication, a secure grasp of business etiquette and protocol, personal charisma, and social intelligence. So whether you’re simply interested ...

Gloria Petersen’s “Seven Steps to Impressive Greetings and Confident Interactions” offers proven strategies to make your next interaction the first step toward one of many successful business relationships. You career depends on confident first impressions, clear communication, a secure grasp of business etiquette and protocol, personal charisma, and social intelligence. So whether you’re simply interested ...

“No Longer Awkward” is the definitive guidebook for professionals who want long-term relationships with their clients. Inevitably, those clients face divorce, aging, death, dementia, retirement, terminal illness, and other life changes. Yet professionals are never taught what to do and say to truly support them. And their clients will switch until they find someone who ...

In this candid, authentic and inspirational book for women, Shirley Weis reveals her principles for winning the game in business. When you read it, you will learn how to: — Use “Just Respect” (TM) to build relationships throughout your organization — Gain the experience that leaders require — Thrive during challenges and survive failures — ...

Would You Buy from You? Many people cannot answer this question or struggle with it only to find that their best response is a “maybe” or “uhhh I guess” or the noncommittal “it depends.” Huh? If You Would Not Buy from You, why would anyone else buy from you? The answer is simple. They will ...