
Based on interviews with 33 career changers who became leaders after a transition, LEADERS IN TRANSITION answers the question, “How do you become a leader after a career change?” As people make work transitions in mid-career, some will decide to become a leader. Leaders in Transition explores the challenge of making a significant transition, and ...

Learn the secrets of accelerating your journey toward success by better understanding yourself and how others perceive you. In You — According to Them: Uncovering the blind spots that impact your reputation and your career, Sara offers practical steps to help you leverage the perceptions of a great reputation into bottom-line success. If you’ve ever ...

Everyone searches for success. While our ideas of success differ, a typical entrepreneur will define success in terms of accomplishing worthy goals—often accompanied by an improvement in their financial and social position. It is recognized in the business community that success is a direct result of passionate commitment, organized planning, constructive action and perseverance. However, ...

It has been estimated that 70 percent of employee development takes place through informal learning, rather than through formal learning events. Employee Development on a Shoestring offers insights and lessons for leveraging non-training activities for on-the-job employee development. This hands-on resource delivers specific implementation techniques for developing motivated, engaged employees in today’s “do more with ...

If you’re missing passion in your life and work, if your leadership seems blah and ineffective and if you’ve lost your way and seem to have no purpose or joy in your work, then this book is for you! “A Passionate Life: Seven Steps for Reclaiming Your Passion, Purpose and Joy” (Available in book and ...

Are you tired of working 50, 60, 70 or more hours a week? Do you come in early and stay late, just to get your own work done? Are you frustrated by what your team members don’t do or can’t figure out for themselves? Would you like to know why you’re always playing catch-up just ...

While there are numerous project management books on the market and a number on business processes and initiatives, there has been a lack of comprehensive guides to successfully manage business process improvement (BPI) projects, until now. Using the simple six-step approach explained and illustrated within this guide, project managers will increase their effectiveness in managing ...

How many times have you dreamed of making something great happen in your life? In your work? In your relationships? Speaker, author, business coach, organizing expert, mom, and wife, Elizabeth Hagen shared 31 stories that offer dramatic lessons she’s learned to help you start loving who you are and what you do right now. You’ll ...

Inspirational and informative, The CEO Code shares real-life stories of success and failure from author David Rohlander’s personal journey and work as a mentor and coach to CEOs and executives of Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized companies and start-ups. The book will give you: Practical advice for dealing with people. Proven strategies to increase business profits ...