
Today women are entering the workforce and leadership field at an extensive rate; however, they are struggling to gain a real perspective on how to get ahead, what is expected, how to build strong alliances, and find work/life strategies. This lack of knowledge is creating a “one step forward two steps back” mentality as the ...

WORK RULES! shows how to strike a balance between creativity and structure, leading to success you can measure in quality of life as well as market share. Read it to build a better company from within rather than from above; read it to reawaken your joy in what you do....

Within a healthcare enterprise, patient vital signs and other automated measurements are communicated from connected medical devices to end-point systems, such as electronic health records, data warehouses and standalone clinical information systems. Connected Medical Devices: Integrating Patient Care Data in Healthcare Systems explores how medical device integration (MDI) supports quality patient care and better clinical ...

Straight Talk Your Way to Success Are you tired of “smart talk” that leads to no good outcome? Do you really want to endure another meeting, conversation or planning session that wastes your time and leads to no meaningful conclusion? If you’ve had enough overdose on management consulting jargon, political double-talk, pointless meetings and friendly ...

Based on interviews with more than 150 CIOs, IT/business executives, and academic thought leaders, The Strategic CIO: Changing the Dynamics of the Business Enterprise provides insight, success stories, and a step-by-step methodology to transform your IT organization into a strategic asset that drives customer value, increases revenues, and enhances shareholder wealth. The book details how ...

In today’s business world, it takes more than a website to stay competitive. The smartest, most successful companies are using radically new membership models, subscription-based formats, and freemium pricing structures to grow their customer base—and explode their market valuation—in the most disruptive shift in business since the Industrial Revolution. This is The Membership Economy from ...

52 Sales Management Tips is written for sales managers who struggle within a corporate environment that doesn’t always support them or their development needs. Whether you are a sales executive, senior sales leader or a new, experienced or aspiring sales manager I’m confident you will find this book to be a valuable guide to consult ...

America has become a nation “stuck in a meeting.” Between corporate boardrooms, all hands meetings, and conference calls, few of us can claim our time is meeting-free. Even fewer can claim every “mandatory session” was worth it. But Paul Axtell – a consultant with more than 30 years of experience in personal and professional organization ...

Folding Time™ by Neen James is about being accountable for our time, engaging our attention and leveraging our energy. In this practical book, you will find easy to digest, implementable strategies you can apply at work and home. Each chapter features an ‘Accelerate’ page with a summary of the main points in the chapter (designed ...