We all have at least one person we wish we could make disappear…without getting in trouble! It’s not magic. It’s proven methods to communicate, mediate, and resolve stressful misunderstandings, happily ever after, and so no one gets fired or mired in continuous conflict. This book will dig deeper than personalities, include the impact of stress, ...
High-Profit Selling: Win The Sale Without Compromising on Price Too many sales professionals rely upon discounts to close sales, but there is a better way to build profit. In Mark Hunter’s book High-Profit Selling, he shows how to avoid making costly concessions. He outlines proven strategies to help salespeople identify the right prospects, better communicate ...
The popular guide used by entrepreneurs, start-ups, small businesses and non-profits everywhere to build an irresistible brand on any budget is now updated! Branding Basics for Small Business, 2nd Edition includes fresh content around social media, content marketing and networking trends and additional real-world case studies of small business and entrepreneurial success. Small businesses, start-ups, ...
Today women are entering the workforce and leadership field at an extensive rate; however, they are struggling to gain a real perspective on how to get ahead, what is expected, how to build strong alliances, and find work/life strategies. This lack of knowledge is creating a “one step forward two steps back” mentality as the ...
52 Sales Management Tips is written for sales managers who struggle within a corporate environment that doesn’t always support them or their development needs. Whether you are a sales executive, senior sales leader or a new, experienced or aspiring sales manager I’m confident you will find this book to be a valuable guide to consult ...
Salespeople today face a fast-paced and increasingly crowded marketplace where meaningful product differentiation has all but disappeared. To compete success fully, sellers must set themselves apart in the eyes of buyers. Amp Up Your Sales shows anyone how to become the trusted sales professional who consistently wins new business. Customers are overloaded with information, overwhelmed ...
There is no magic bullet for sales success…and a focus just on sales skills, lead gen tactics and sales process only sets down a fraction of the groundwork required for achieving the critical success factors to revenue generation. Everyone knows the sales ecosystem has changed dramatically while old sales techniques and playbooks are no longer ...
Over the last decade, the rapid growth of social media, the emergence of the cloud, and a myriad of other technological developments have ushered in what pundits call “Sales 2.0.” But while much about sales has changed, one thing never will: People still buy from people they know, like, and trust. Pick Up the Damn ...
In Display of Power: How FUBU Changed a World of Fashion, Branding and Lifestyle, Daymond John (Founder and CEO) gets to the heart of his unlikely run to the top of the fashion world, and shines compelling light on what it takes to succeed-from the dizzying street corners of his old neighborhood to the dazzling corner offices ...