
DISCOVER who you are. IMAGINE who you could be, and ACHIEVE all the potential within you. We are all only as good as the thoughts we think. What are you thinking? If you want to change your life, you have to change the way you think. Your mind is a steering wheel, and you can ...

Did you know that of every 100 employees hired, only 6 or 7 will ever be promoted to their first management position. If you’re a manager now, and you probably are if you’re reading this, “Congratulations!” You’re one of the 7% who made it! That’s the good news. Now, here’s the bad news. Statistically speaking ...

Salespeople today face a fast-paced and increasingly crowded marketplace where meaningful product differentiation has all but disappeared. To compete success fully, sellers must set themselves apart in the eyes of buyers. Amp Up Your Sales shows anyone how to become the trusted sales professional who consistently wins new business. Customers are overloaded with information, overwhelmed ...

As a small-business owner or solopreneur, you wear many hats–perhaps the most important of which is marketer. But these days, with so many new ways to reach customers and clients — and only so much time in the day — it’s hard to know where to start. Should you be using social media? Email? Blogs? ...

Leaders, managers, and coaches are charged with getting people to stretch their limits but are often unsuccessful. Top leadership coach Marcia Reynolds says the problem is, incorrectly handled, difficult conversations create more resistance than growth. Reynolds offers a model and methods for discovering what to say so people change their own minds. As a result, ...

Everyone can “do” marketing . . . right? Marketing Doctor’s Survival Notes is a collection of essays, articles, blog posts and white papers on marketing and related topics that proves otherwise on virtually every page. The stories, recommendations, guidelines and suggestions in this book are intended to provide marketers with a framework, a skeleton, upon ...

Over the last decade, the rapid growth of social media, the emergence of the cloud, and a myriad of other technological developments have ushered in what pundits call “Sales 2.0.” But while much about sales has changed, one thing never will: People still buy from people they know, like, and trust. Pick Up the Damn ...

Today’s marketers face a perilous journey. As a result of new buyer dynamics, a boardroom-level obsession with marketing ROI, and “big data” driven decision-making tools, today’s marketing leaders are expected to be tech-savvy, data-driven brand ambassadors on the vanguard of change. But as marketing demands and workloads continue to evolve at the speed of sound, ...

“Other people have the answers, deals, money, access, power, and influence you need to get what you want in this world. To achieve any goal, you need other people to help you do it.” — JUDY ROBINETT As anyone in business knows, strategic planning is critical to achieving long-term success. In How to Be a ...