
How many times have you dreamed of making something great happen in your life? In your work? In your relationships? Speaker, author, business coach, organizing expert, mom, and wife, Elizabeth Hagen shared 31 stories that offer dramatic lessons she’s learned to help you start loving who you are and what you do right now. You’ll ...

WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER USA TODAY BESTSELLER Serial entrepreneur and business visionary Dale Partridge reveals seven core beliefs that create success by putting people first. Every day major headlines tell the story of a new and better American marketplace. Established corporations have begun reevaluating the quality of their products, the ethics of their supply chain, ...

Mack is a man terrified of giving presentations. An unexpected mentor comes into his life and helps him realize a hidden gift that was there the entire time: the ability to communicate in a high-stakes situation. Despite past failures, Mack learns his life really has equipped him to give a great presentation. Mack’s story will ...

Liquid Leadership presents a dynamic approach that will help readers avoid getting caught up in a workforce culture clash between Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y Millennials. But this isn’t management theory: the author presents strategies from his own award-winning business model and experience. Everything from developing a creative high-performance work environment to using social ...

You Can’t Ruin My Day contains 52 themes to help readers take back their power and not let other people or other situations ruin their day. Each of these themes has three sections: Wake-Up Call (the potential day-ruiner); Follow-Up Exercise (practical steps to turn it around); and Lighten-Up Laugh (gaining a fresh perspective and moving ...

HOW TO WRITE BRILLIANT BUSINESS BLOGS The no-bullsh*t guide to writing blogs that boost your brand, business and customer loyalty … Fed up with the gurus and so-called experts telling you how to set up your blog without sharing any really useful ideas on what to write about? This is the book that cures the ...

Frank was ex-special forces with a fine arts degree – an unusual mix! With his help, Richard Bryan turned around his $120 million family business that was losing more than $3.5 million a year. In this book, Richard shares lessons he learned from his mentor Frank about how to develop a more successful business and ...

Gloria Petersen’s “Seven Steps to Impressive Greetings and Confident Interactions” offers proven strategies to make your next interaction the first step toward one of many successful business relationships. You career depends on confident first impressions, clear communication, a secure grasp of business etiquette and protocol, personal charisma, and social intelligence. So whether you’re simply interested ...

Gloria Petersen’s “Seven Steps to Impressive Greetings and Confident Interactions” offers proven strategies to make your next interaction the first step toward one of many successful business relationships. You career depends on confident first impressions, clear communication, a secure grasp of business etiquette and protocol, personal charisma, and social intelligence. So whether you’re simply interested ...