
While there are numerous project management books on the market and a number on business processes and initiatives, there has been a lack of comprehensive guides to successfully manage business process improvement (BPI) projects, until now. Using the simple six-step approach explained and illustrated within this guide, project managers will increase their effectiveness in managing ...

Superpower! How to Think, Act, and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results Download a FREE Book PreviewDo you want more out of your life and your job with less effort and better results? Have you ever felt that there just has to be a better way to get things done? If so, you’re not ...

How many times have you dreamed of making something great happen in your life? In your work? In your relationships? Speaker, author, business coach, organizing expert, mom, and wife, Elizabeth Hagen shared 31 stories that offer dramatic lessons she’s learned to help you start loving who you are and what you do right now. You’ll ...

Devin Thorpe has collected over 150 essays on personal and family finance to help you learn how to be happier with your money, to live more frugally and investment more wisely. 925 Ideas… is an easy and readable guide to help your family find financial peace. Author Devin D. Thorpe explains: 1) how you and ...

Make every sales call count and be the ONE seller buyers want to talk to! With DISCOVER Questions™ , you will be able to differentiate yourself from the pack, create value for your buyers and connect in ways you never knew were possible. The research (20+ years with sellers like you!) and anecdotes from actual ...

Inspirational and informative, The CEO Code shares real-life stories of success and failure from author David Rohlander’s personal journey and work as a mentor and coach to CEOs and executives of Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized companies and start-ups. The book will give you: Practical advice for dealing with people. Proven strategies to increase business profits ...

Productive, energized, and innovative teams are critical to your success. In The Seven Things Your Team Needs to Hear You Say, author David M. Dye shares practical and encouraging tools you can use to cultivate engaged, responsible, and results-oriented teams. Whether you’re a new frontline leader, a small business owner, or a veteran manager, The ...

WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER USA TODAY BESTSELLER Serial entrepreneur and business visionary Dale Partridge reveals seven core beliefs that create success by putting people first. Every day major headlines tell the story of a new and better American marketplace. Established corporations have begun reevaluating the quality of their products, the ethics of their supply chain, ...

Mack is a man terrified of giving presentations. An unexpected mentor comes into his life and helps him realize a hidden gift that was there the entire time: the ability to communicate in a high-stakes situation. Despite past failures, Mack learns his life really has equipped him to give a great presentation. Mack’s story will ...