The Nonprofit Exchange on C-Suite TV is a show with top leaders sharing tools and strategies for nonprofit leaders and clergy. This show is interviews with renown business and nonprofit leaders sharing wisdom and stories of their successes. Each episode of the lively and interactive show is unique, in that each person interviewed is a highly celebrated expert in their field or a servant leader behind the scenes of an enterprise that impacts the lives of people everywhere. The Nonprofit Exchange is in its 7th year and celebrates being hosted on the C-Suite TV Network. Some of the past celebrity interviews have been with leaders such as Jeffrey Magee, Les Brown, Frank Shankwitz, Berne Dohrman, Frances Hesslebein, and many more.


Season 1 Episodes

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Hugh Ballou

Show Host: SynerVision President


Hugh Ballou works with visionary leaders and their teams to develop a purpose-driven high-performance culture that significantly increases productivity, profits, and job satisfaction. through dramatically decreasing confusion, conflicts, and under-functioning. With 40 years as musical conductor, Ballou uses the leadership skills utilized daily by the conductor in teaching relevant leadership skills creating a culture that responds to the nuances of the leader as a skilled orchestra responds to the musical director.

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